Landlord Focus: The 60 Minute Webinar For Experienced And Aspiring Landlords

"Learn What Successful Landlords Are Doing in 2024"

Are you a landlord looking to stay ahead of the curve in 2024?

Don't miss this exclusive live webinar where you'll gain invaluable insights and practical tips from industry experts [us!].

This Virtual Webinar Is On

28th June

Hosted on Zoom And Completely Free To Attend

All The Landlord Advice You Need In 60 Minutes

What We'll Cover:


  • Avoid Penalties: Learn about the latest regulations and how to adhere to them to avoid costly fines.

  • Protect Your Investment: Understanding compliance helps safeguard your properties and your financial interests.

  • Tenant Relations: Ensuring compliance enhances trust and satisfaction, leading to better tenant retention.

  • Future-Proofing: Stay ahead of upcoming changes and trends in the industry to maintain a competitive edge.

Maximising Profits

  • Innovative Strategies: Discover techniques that successful landlords are using to boost their rental income.

  • Market Trends: Understand the latest market trends and how to leverage them to your advantage.

  • Optimising Rent: Learn how to set competitive yet profitable rent prices that attract quality tenants.

  • Cost Reduction: Identify areas where you can cut costs without compromising on quality or service.

  • Investment Insights: Gain knowledge on smart investments and improvements that can significantly increase your property’s value.

Reducing Hassle

  • Tenant Communication: Implement efficient communication strategies with tenants.

  • Management Strategies: How to approach managing multiple properties with ease.

  • Letting Agent: The benefits of using a Letting Agent/Property Manager

Time Management

  • Efficient Portfolio Management: Discover proven techniques to optimise your workflow and get more done in less time.

  • Strategic Planning: Gain insights on how to prioritise tasks, set achievable goals, and create a roadmap for success. [1-Page Success Plan]

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to secure your seat!

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Whether you're a seasoned landlord or just starting out, this webinar is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools to succeed.

Reserve your spot now and take the first step towards transforming your property management in 2024!

Have you ever thought of buying property as an investment in Wolverhampton but wondered where to start?
  • "What SORT of property rents the best?"
  • "Which AREA will give me the best return?"
  • "What is the best MARKET to invest in right NOW?"

Then you ask yourself, how much should I pay for this property, how can I get the best deal, what rent should I expect and are there any hidden costs?

All these questions are totally normal!

I have been buying properties for clients since 1997, and since then helped landlords purchase over 450 properties and refurbish over 250 to (as well as buying and refurbishing quite a few for myself too including uk rental units, former hotel, cottages, villas in Spain and much more)

It’s fair to say I’ve been around the block when it comes to property!

So I wrote this guide to help YOU work your way through the mine field and make a safe purchase and get it right FIRST time.